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                         L'CHAIM - ISSUE # 1375
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   Dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson N.E.
        June 12, 2015           Sh'lach           25 Sivan, 5775


Caps and gowns, diplomas, speeches. Get past the ceremony and what is
most associated with graduation? For many it is the thought of summer
vacation or having graduated, i.e., being finished with school

And yet, the graduation ceremony - usually replete with cap and gowns,
diplomas, speeches and celebrations - is called "commencement"
synonymous with beginning, start, opening, outset, onset, launch,
initiation, inception.

Graduation, then, connotes that one is beginning a different level of
education or a new aspect of life.

In Judaism, the perfect example that the end is tied up with a new
beginning is shown by the fact that immediately upon finishing reading
the Torah on Simchat Torah, we commence, once again, to read it from the
beginning. This teaches us, among other things, that there is always
more Torah one can learn.

Many of us put Jewish education for our children at the end of a long
list of extra-curricular activities that includes swimming lessons,
little league practice,  studying a foreign language, a musical
instrument, play-dates and more. By the time a young person is dating
and begins bringing home non-Jewish boyfriends and girlfriends, we
realize that we should have been a little more serious about giving them
a Jewish education sooner.

When is the appropriate time to "commence" a child's Jewish education?
Before the child is even born! Today, we know that good nutrition,
exercise and abstinence from chemical substances can have a positive
affect on the unborn child. Studies even show that the mother's mood or
mental state can have a bearing on the child's later development.

From earliest times, there have been examples in Jewish history of
mothers taking their unborn child's spiritual health very seriously. The
mothers of many of our greatest sages stationed themselves near yeshivas
so their unborn children would be able to hear Torah being studied, or
they studied Torah themselves especially diligently during pregnancy.

Once a Jewish child is born, his senses can be stimulated Jewishly.
Music, mobiles, books, blocks, even videos are available in a Jewish
genre. Just as quickly as a two-year-old can memorize a nursery rhyme,
she can learn the Shema prayer; and the newly developing spark of
Jewishness will continue to grow and expand.

By fostering a Jewish environment in the home, and sending the child to
a school where he will be enthused with a true-Jewish spirit, the spark
can be fanned into a flame of Jewish pride, age-old tradition, and
lifelong values.

But don't despair: One of the most magnificent concepts in Judaism is
that it is never too late. Truly, we never graduate from Judaism; each
new beginning is indeed, a brand new beginning.

In this week's Torah portion, Shelach, we read that Moses sent spies to
the Land of Israel in order to get a report on the conditions there. The
spies returned with the gloomy news: "The people dwelling in the land
are strong, the cities are very strongly walled and great, and we also
saw the children of giants there." The spies were harshly punished by
G-d for their message, and the Torah describes them as having "brought
an evil report against the land."

Why were they punished at all? Were they not merely fulfilling their
mission? Their job was to check out the land, "What it is, and whether
the people dwelling in it are strong...the cities, if they are open
places or fortified," and this is what they did. Is it their fault that
the land was occupied by giants and the cities were reinforced? Should
they have given a false report upon their return?

The true sin of the spies was that they digressed from their mission.
They were only required to describe the Land of Israel, in order for the
Jews to know how best to approach and conquer it in a natural manner.
The spies were not satisfied with a mere description; they had to
editorialize as well and added their opinion as to the likelihood of it
being conquered. When they added their own deductions, this caused the
Children of Israel to lose faith in G-d and begin to despair. The sin of
the twelve spies lies in their comment, "We will not be able to go up
against the people, for they are stronger than us."

The spies' transgression was that their faith in G-d's commandment was
not great enough. When G-d commands that something be done, a Jew must
have faith that it is possible. G-d does not require anything of man
which is above his capabilities. Even a mortal, possessing the minimum
of understanding and responsibility, will not ask a person to do
something which is impossible. Every artisan who fashions a vessel
creates it so that it will fulfill its purpose and not break. How much
more so is this true about G-d. When the King of Kings commands us to do
something, there is no doubt that it is within our grasp, or else it
would not have been commanded.

However, we must remember that although man must be sure of his ability
to perform mitzvot (commandments), he must not rely on miracles to
accomplish them. Indeed, mitzvot must be done through natural means, as
this is the will of G-d. A Jew must find the best way according to the
laws of nature, to succeed in his tasks. That is why Moses sent the
spies; to discover the best approach to conquer Israel militarily. The
sin of the spies was that they put all their faith in nature itself, and
forgot Who created that very nature.

                   Adapted from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

                             SLICE OF LIFE
                            America's Torah
                            by Carli Teproff

Christina James has a bad habit of saying she will do something -
everything from chores to meeting up with friends - and not following
through, the 16-year-old said.

But not anymore, said Christina, who penned her promise to change her
ways on a traveling "I will" scroll attached to an RV meant to inspire
change around the globe.

"I definitely will keep this in mind next time I say I am going to do
something," said the teen, who signed the scroll Tuesday when the RV
visited an after-school group that meets at Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior
High School in north Miami-Dade.

The "I will" scroll is part of America's Torah, a mission born after
Rabbi Joseph Raksin was gunned down as he walked to his Orthodox
synagogue in Northeast Miami-Dade in August. The RV trailer, which has a
photo of Raksin, began its journey in Key West and is now traveling up
the East Coast.

Raksin's son-in-law, Izzy Labkowsky, originally planned on having a
Torah - which contains a handwritten version of the Five Books of Moses
in Hebrew - written in his father-in-law's memory. But the idea turned
into a full-blown mission to spread love, not hate. So he sold his
general contracting business, bought an RV and came up with a plan to
tour the United States to write a Torah. By getting sponsors for letters
in the Torah and donations, Labkowsky is planning a two-year trip across
the country and will share the seven Universal Laws, including respect
for human life and establishing a judicial system. The idea for the "I
will" scroll came from a project done at the Chabad of the Grove - the
"I will" wall, which queries congregants with the statement, "To make a
better world, I will..."

Labkowsky, 34, built the scroll with wood and metal and stocked it with
75 yards of canvas for people to write their messages.

About five yards have already been filled with promises: "I will feed
the hungry; I will stop bullying at my school; I will not curse."

The goal is to get about a mile's worth of messages.

"It's very inspirational," said Labkowsky, who plans on finding
somewhere to display the completed scroll. "Some of the messages are
really touching."

On Tuesday, Labkowsky brought his project to students in the C Teen
club, sponsored by Chabad Chayil. The primarily Jewish teen group, which
meets weekly, opened Tuesday's meeting up to everyone.

"It's a message everyone can understand," said 10th-grader Simon
Assoulin, 16. "We should always use good over evil."

Simon said he was honored to write on the wall.

"I will support special needs kids throughout my life," he wrote.

"This is something I always try to do because my sister and brother both
have special needs," he said.

For Labkowsky, the mission is personal. He began his speech talking
about his father-in-law.

It was about 9 a.m. on a Saturday morning, when Raksin was walking east
on Northeast 175th Street and Eighth Court toward Bais Menachem Chabad,
1005 NE 172nd Ter., when he was confronted by two men. One pulled a gun
and shot him.

Labkowsky said he and his children walked passed him as he lay on the
ground, but they didn't know it was him.

Miami-Dade Police Spokesman Alvaro Zabaleta said this week that the case
is still open and police are still asking anyone with information to
come forward.

"I am turning this tragic thing into goodness," said Labkowsky, who has
recruited other rabbis and others to help him spread the word.

And while Labkowsky hopes police find the men responsible for Raksin's
death, he said he was focusing his energy on spreading goodwill.

"The Torah brings light," he said. "And light is the only way to fight

    To follow the RV on it's journey, visit

                   Reprinted with permission from the Miami Herald.

                               WHAT'S NEW
                             New Emissaries

Rabbi Yisroel Noach and Alti Majesky will be moving this summer to
Accra, Ghana, where they will establish a new Chabad Center. The
Majesky's are moving their together with their three young children as
emissaries of the Rebbe. Accra is the capital and largest city of Ghana,
in West Africa.

                           Synagogue Returned

The Batumi synagogue in Tbilisi, Georgia, has officially been returned
to the Jewish community. Built in 1904, the synagogue was taken over by
the Soviet government in 1929 and used as a sports center. In 1998, the
Jewish community was allowed to begin using it once again as a synagogue
and that year it was  refurbished. However, it wasn't until this past
month that the historic synagogue was actually turned over to the Jewish

                            THE REBBE WRITES
                       18th of Sivan, 5719 [1959]

Greeting and Blessing:

I received your letter, in which you write about your anxiety in regard
to the question of Parnosso [livelihood].

Needless to say, I am much surprised at you, that you should allow
yourself to be so affected by this. For you surely know how often our
sages have impressed on us the importance of trust and confidence in Gd,
in order that we realize that all difficulties encountered in life are
only trials and tests of a passing nature. To be sure, the question of
Parnosso is one of the most difficult tests - nevertheless, Gd does not
subject one to a greater test than he can withstand, as our Rabbis
expressed it, "According to the camel, so is its load." The very trust
in Gd is a vessel and channel to receive Gd's blessings, apart from the
fact that such confidence is good for one's health, disposition, and
therefore is also a natural means to the desired end. All the more so,
since, as you write, you have noticed an improvement in recent weeks.
This should serve as an encouraging sign and greatly strengthen your
trust in Gd. No doubt you also remember the commentary of my
father-in-law of saintly memory, in regard to the saying of our Sages
that "Life is like a turning wheel," at which my father-in-law remarked
that "When a point on the wheel reaches the lowest degree, it is bound
to turn upwards again."

As for your request for advice, in my opinion you ought to set a period
of time for the study of Pnimius of the Torah, namely, Chassidus,
concerning which it is written in the Zohar (part 3, page 124b) "In the
area of Pnimius ha-Torah there is no place for negative things and
evil," and as further explained in Iggeres ha-Kodesh, chapter 26.

In addition, I suggest that you should set aside a couple of pennies for
Tzedoko [charity] every weekday morning before prayer, and also before
Minchah [afternoon prayer]. Also to recite at least one Kapitel Tillim
[chapter of Psalms] after the morning prayers every day, including
Shabbos and Yom Tov [holiday].

All the above should be Bli Neder [without vowing], and at least until
Rosh Hashanah. It would also be very good for you to know by heart
several Prokim Mishinayos [chapters of Mishna], and at least one Perek
[chapter] Tanya.

Life is like a turning wheel. When a point on the wheel reaches the
lowest degree, it is bound to turn upwards again.

I am confident that the above, together with an increased measure of
Bitochon [trust] will soon bring an improvement in your Parnosso.

In accordance with the teaching of our Sages (beis besi tes vuv beis)
that money from a good and saintly source brings Gd's blessings, you
will find enclosed a check from one of the treasuries for my
father-in-law of saintly memory, to deposit to your business account,
and may Gd grant that the predictions of our sages will be realized in
your case also.

Hoping to hear good news from you,

With blessing,

Enclosed you will find a copy of a message, which I trust you will find

Akavya ben Mehalel said: "Reflect upon three things and you will not
come near sin..." (Ethics, 3:1)

Reflection in this sense is indicative of the deepest levels of
meditation. When a person takes the mission for which his soul descended
to this world seriously, he will reflect upon the ultimate elevation of
his soul - which comes about through his being in this world - and he
knows that eventually he is destined to give an accounting. By
reflecting thus, he will certainly not come near sin - he will not
transgress inadvertently, and he will fulfill his mission in life fully.
(Ma'amarim of the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5705)

                        A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR
                         Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman
The 28th of the Hebrew month of Sivan (coinciding with June 15 this
year) is the anniversary of the arrival in the United States of the
Rebbe and the Rebbetzin.

Twenty-eight in Hebrew letters spells Ko-ach, meaning "strength." The
Rebbe explained this means that strength and permanence are contributed
to the entire day, and this in turn gives strength to every Jew to carry
out his preparation for the ultimate redemption.

The Rebbe went on to explain that it was in "770" (Eastern Parkway) that
the spreading of the wellsprings of Chasidut, the prerequisite to
Moshiach's revelation, reached its most complete expression.

He referred to 770 using the Talmudic term "Beit Rabbeinu Shebebavel"
meaning literally "the house of our Master in Babylonia" that our Sages
refer to as the location of the Temple in exile, so to speak.

"Not coincidentally," explained the Rebbe, "770 has the numerical value
of the Hebrew word 'poratzta' meaning 'and you shall spread forth.' And
it is from 770, explained the Rebbe, that the first revelation of the
Third Holy Temple will take place, encompassing the entire building from
its lowest levels until its rooftop.

"The rooftop is the place where Moshiach stands and announces, 'Humble
ones, the time for your redemption has come.' The rooftop of the Holy
Temple," continued the Rebbe, "refers to the miniature sanctuary of the
Diaspora which represents the Holy Temple of Jerusalem."

It is also not coincidental, the Rebbe pointed out, that "770" is the
numerical value of "Beis Moshiach" - the House of Moshiach.

May we all go together with the Rebbe and 770 and all the miniature
sanctuaries - every shul and every Jewish home, for that matter - to the
actual site of the Third Holy Temple in Jerusalem, now.

                          THOUGHTS THAT COUNT
And we were in our own eyes as grasshoppers, and so we were in their
eyes (Num. 13:2)

This statement was in itself one of the sins that the spies committed.
They should not have concerned themselves with how they appeared to
others. It was not enough that they felt as if they were as small as
grasshoppers, they felt obliged to add that the giants agreed with them.

                                   (Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Kotsk)

                                *  *  *

You shall take courage and bring from the fruit of the land. (Num.

When Moses sent the twelve leaders into Israel to spy out the land which
had been given by G-d to the Jewish people, he told them to bring back
some of the land's fruit with them. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (1772-1811)
used to say: The nations of the world have stolen the Land of Israel
from us. Therefore, it is our duty to stand up and unceasingly shout
that it is indeed our land. We must protest to the whole world, that
even though other nations have lived in the Land of Israel for many
generations, it has not become theirs, and their claim upon it is no
claim at all. We are obligated to cry out, as is indeed the law, that if
one protests against someone's occupying land, his claim upon it is

                                *  *  *

To understand personal growth, one must bring an example from the fruit
of the earth. First one sows the seed; only after the seed decomposes,
and its essence is nullified can it grow and produce.

                                                (The Baal Shem Tov)

                                *  *  *

Only against the L-rd do not rebel... (Num. 14:9)

Why did Joshua and Caleb consider the spies' report and the people's
reaction a rebellion? Because fearing giants and fortified cities shows
a lack of belief in G-d; when one trusts in G-d there is no reason to
fear man. (Rabeinu B'Chaya).

                            IT ONCE HAPPENED
A prominent Jewish merchant, Reb Yaakov from Vilna, known to be an
accomplished Torah scholar, once passed through Mezritch. Having heard
of the greatness of the Mezritcher Maggid, Rabbi Dov Ber, Reb Yaakov
decided to visit him, although he was not an adherent of the Chasidic
movement. Reb Yaakov was eager to engage the Maggid in a learned
discussion, and he was not disappointed. But, as Reb Yaakov had no
interest in Chasidic philosophy, the subject was not broached.

As Reb Yaakov was about to leave, the Maggid suddenly said: "Remember
Yaakov, what our Sages of blessed memory said, that G-d sends His cure
to a patient through a particular doctor and a particular medicine.
Sometimes the One Above sends His cure not through the medication which
the doctor prescribes, but through the doctor himself. As you know, a
doctor receives his healing powers by authority of the Divine Torah, as
it is written, 'And he shall surely cure him.' Therefore, the doctor has
a healing angel at his side, and a very great doctor is accompanied by
the chief healing angel, Rafael, himself."

As he traveled back to Vilna, Reb Yaakov thought about this strange
parting remark, which seemed to come out of the blue. Reb Yaakov was,
thank G-d, in very good health. He had never needed a doctor before, and
he hoped he would not have to consult one in the future. He hadn't asked
the Maggid for medical advice, so why had the Maggid mentioned doctors?
Unable to solve this puzzle, he soon dismissed the entire episode from
his mind.

Several weeks later Reb Yaakov returned home and soon fell into his
normal routine. After a few days, he awoke feeling quite ill. His
condition worsened rapidly and although all the best doctors were called
in, each offering a different medication, nothing helped.

Word of his condition spread quickly. His friends and acquaintances were
devastated, for Reb Yaakov was a kind and charitable man. Then a ray of
hope appeared. The Jews of Vilna heard that the king would be arriving
in town, and his personal physician, who was a wayward Jew, would be
accompanying him. If only they could persuade the king's doctor to pay a
call on their beloved friend, maybe this great doctor could save his

The community leaders dispatched a delegation to the king and petitioned
him to allow his royal physician to visit Reb Yaakov. The king received
them graciously and agreed to their request. The hopes of his family and
friends soared when the famous doctor entered the sickroom, but were
soon dashed. When the doctor looked at Reb Yaakov he said disdainfully,
"Am I G-d that you have brought me here to revive a dead man?"

To everyone's horror, the doctor turned to leave. The distraught family
begged him to prescribe some medication. "Nothing can help this man," he
replied brusquely, casting a parting glance at the dying patient. But
something caught his eye and he turned to look again. A slight bit of
color could be seen on the patient's pale face. The doctor quickly took
his note pad and scribbled a prescription. "Run to the pharmacy and
bring this medication at once!"

Hope sprang again into the hearts of the man's family and friends. The
royal physician remained at the man's bedside, his eyes fixed on the
sick man. He was amazed to see further signs of improvement. He pulled
out his pad and prescribed another medication. But no sooner had he
written it out than the patient's eyes began to flicker. The doctor had
never seen such a thing in all his experience. Suddenly, the erstwhile
dying man sat up in bed and addressed the physician, "I beg you, dear
doctor, don't go yet. Stay a while longer, and I'll feel much better.
The Angel Rafael must be at your side."

The physician was completely overwhelmed. He stared at the patient in
utter disbelief, and although he didn't believe in angels, he could
almost believe the patient's words. As if reading the doctor's thoughts,
Reb Yaakov began to relate his visit to the Maggid of Mezritch and
especially the Maggid's puzzling remark at the end of the visit.

"I can see now, that his remark was completely prophetic and true," Reb
Yaakov remarked.

The king's doctor, who had listened intently to the whole episode, sat
engrossed in thought. It occurred to him that, great healer though he
was, he needed a lot of healing himself -- healing of a spiritual

"I would like to meet this saintly man," he finally said. "When you are
fully recovered, I would like you to take me to meet him."

Not very long after, the two of them, Reb Yaakov and the king's
physician, traveled to Mezritch -- Reb Yaakov to become a Chasid and the
physician to return to his faith.

                                       Adapted from Talks and Tales

                            MOSHIACH MATTERS
Not only must we remember the Sabbath on the day of Shabbat itself, but
we must also remember it on each of the preceding weekdays. It is for
this reason that we recite in the daily prayers, "Today is the first day
to the Sabbath," etc., followed by a chapter of Psalms for the day, and
we prepare in advance for each coming Sabbath. The same is true of the
six millennia that precede the Era of Redemption, the "day that is
entirely Shabbat." By remembering the redemption during the preceding
days of exile, our service of G-d is easier, for we anticipate the
imminent redemption and eagerly prepare for its arrival.

                     (The Rebbe, Yalkut Moshiach UGeula al HaTorah)

               END OF TEXT - L'CHAIM 1375 - Sh'lach 5775

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