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"Vov" is the sixth letter in the Hebrew alphabet.

Vov represents figurativly a single line of light, from the Infinite Source of G-d in the process of Creation.

The Vov appears at the beginning of the sixth word of the Torah, and is the twenty-second letter of the verse. It alludes to the power to connect and interrelate all twenty-two individual powers of Creation, the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet from "alef" to "tav."

The Vov represents the Six Days of Creation.
The Six-millennium duration of the world.
The Six directions of the physical world.
The Six orders of the "Mishnah."

The numerical equivalent of the letter Vov = 6 (six).

Listen to the sound of this letter

For additional insights to the Hebrew Alphabet and the mystical aspects associated with these letters visit the : Gal Einai Institute in Jerusalem.
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